The aim of the conference
The conference aims at celebrating the centennial of Professor Louis Nirenberg, one of the most eminent figures in the field of mathematical analysis in the twentieth century. Through this event, we intend to explore the enduring impact and the innovations introduced by Nirenberg in partial differential equations and geometric function theory.
Featuring international mathematicians and with a special participation of his daughter and a few friends among his big mathematical family, the event is intended to settle an intergenerational dialogue among mathematicians who worked directly with him and young researchers who continue to expand the boundaries of mathematical science.
This celebration will also be an opportunity to reflect on the future directions of mathematical research, inspired by the foundations set by Nirenberg.
Registration form
We regret to inform you that we have reached the maximum capacity for registrations.
As such, we are unable to accept any further participants at this time.
We appreciate your interest and encourage you to stay connected for future opportunities.
Louis Nirenberg Legacy
Feb 28th, 2025
Time left
- H. Berestycki (EHESS-Paris)
- I. Capuzzo Dolcetta (La Sapienza, Rome)
- S.-Y. A. Chang (Princeton University)
- C. De Filippis (Università di Parma)
- I. Ekeland (Université Paris Dauphine)
- Y.Y. Li (Rutgers University)
- T. Rivière (ETH-Zurich)
Scientific Committee:
- Isabeau Birindelli
- Daniele Cassani
- Gabriella Tarantello
Invited participants:
- Lisa Macbride (Louis’ daughter)
- H. Beirao da Veiga (Academia das Ciências de Lisboa)
- X. Cabré (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
- A. Cellina (Istituto lombardo accademia di scienze e lettere)
- K. Payne (Università degli Studi di Milano)
- B. Ruf (Istituto lombardo accademia di scienze e lettere)
- M. Struwe (ETH - Zurich)
- S. Terracini (Università degli Studi di Torino)
Tentative schedule:
Time | Title | Speaker |
10:00 |
opening |
(with Rector, Lisa and organizers) |
10:30 | Coffee Break | |
11:00 | Louis Nirenberg and the Maximum principle | H. Berestycki / Chair H. Beirao da Veiga |
11:45 | Invariant cones for linear elliptic systems with gradient couplings | I. Capuzzo Dolcetta/Chair X. Cabré |
12:30 | An unusual variational problem: magic from Louis | I. Ekeland / Chair B. Ruf |
13:15 | Lunch | |
14:45 | Nonuniformly elliptic Schauder estimates | C. De Filippis / Chair K. Payne |
15:30 |
On a variant of Moser-Onofri inequality--a bi-product of Nirenberg's problem |
A. Chang (from remote) / Chair A. Cellina |
16:15 | Coffee Break | |
16:45 | Selected results and open problems related to joint work with Louis Nirenberg | Y.Y. Li / Chair M. Struwe |
17:30 | Area Variations with Differential Constraints | T. Riviere / Chair S. Terracini |
18:10 | End of congress | |
20:00 | Dinner at Gestore Restaurant |