The aim of the conference

This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the Indam Day.

It is an event held annually at one of the Italian universities with the aim of bringing together mathematicians with diverse scientific interests, promoting dialogue between different areas, and sharing recent scientific developments across various fields.

The event, organized into four presentations, is intended for a broad audience and is accessible to PhD students and master's degree students.

Registration form

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INdAM day 2024

Oct 2nd, 2024

Time left


  1. Prof.ssa Alessandra Celletti (Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”)
  2. Prof. Siddhartha Mishra (ETH Zürich)
  3. Prof. Franc Forstnerič (University of Ljubljana)
  4. Prof. Franco Flandoli (Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa)

Scientific Committee:

  • Giovanni Alberti (Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa)
  • Filippo Bracci (Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”)
  • Vincenzo Ferone (Università Federico II, Napoli)
  • Nicola Guglielmi (Gran Sasso Science Institute)
  • Margherita Lelli Chiesa (Università “ROMA TRE”)
  • Domenico Marinucci (Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”)
  • Angela Pistoia (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)
  • Marco Sammartino (Università di Palermo)


Oct 2nd, 2024

09:15 Registration / Opening Angelo Tagliabue, Cristina Trombetti, Daniele Cassani

From finite to infinite time stability in Celestial Mechanics

Alessandra Celletti
11:00 Coffee Break -
11:30 Learning Solution operators of PDEs Siddhartha Mishra
12:30 Lunch -
14:00 New developments in Oka theory Franc Forstnerič
15:00 Coffee Break -
15:30 Stochastic models of turbulent transport Franco Flandoli
16:30 End of congress  
18:00 Visit at Fondazione Marcello Morandini in Varese  

Villa Toeplitz

Via G.B. Vico, 46
21100 Varese VA