Interview with Henri Beresticki and Cristiana De Filippis

Don't miss the exclusive interview conducted by Prof. Cassani, featuring Prof. Henri Beresticki and Prof. Cristiana De Filippis, during the Louis Nirenberg Legacy Congress held in Varese in February 2025.

Watch the interview now!

For more information, visit RISM Events.

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Interview with Pierre-Louis Lions

During the first congress organized by RISM and Indam, titled "Mean-Field Models in Optimal Control," Professor Cassani interviewed Pierre-Louis Lions. This notable event took place at Villa Toeplitz in Varese. The congress, held from June 10-14, 2024, aimed to facilitate interdisciplinary discussions in the field of optimal control theory and mean-field models. The interview with Lions, a distinguished mathematician, added significant value to the conference, bringing insights into complex mathematical challenges and opportunities in large-scale systems.

For more information, visit RISM Events.

Diamo i numeri, la mostra permanente in Villa Toeplitz

L'Università dell'Insubria ha inaugurato la mostra permanente "Diamo i numeri" presso Villa Toeplitz, Varese, in collaborazione con la Riemann International School of Mathematics.

Luigi Ambrosio, Winner of the Riemann Prize

Luigi Ambrosio, since 2019 Director of the Scuola Normale Superiore - Pisa, has been announced as the recipient of the Riemann Prize 2022 in Mathematics, awarded by the Riemann International School of Mathematics (RISM). The announcement given on the opening of the academic year of the University of Insubria, at the presence of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella.

Corso di dottorato intensivo con Michael Struwe

Michael Struwe terrà un corso intensivo di dottorato a Varese presso la RISM nella settimana 7-11 Novembre 2022, inizio delle lezioni ore 10.15, dal titolo: “The monotonicity trick and applications”.

Il corso è offerto agli studenti dell'Insubria ed a tutti gli studenti di dottorato e postdoc interessati (eventualmente anche laureandi magistrali molto motivati).

Terence Tao, Winner of the Riemann Prize

Terence Tao, un matematico di fama internazionale e professore all'Università della California di Los Angeles, è il vincitore della prima edizione del premio internazionale per la matematica Riemann Prize, conferito dalla Riemann International School of Mathematics (RISM) nel 2019 con celebrazioni rimandate al 2021.

Mathematics Festival and Riemann Prize postponed to 2021

The emergency due to the pandemic infection SARS CoV-2 has raised the social duty of postponing major international appointments scheduled in 2020.

Goodbye Louis!

Louis Nirenberg passed away yesterday in New York, he would have turned 95 on February 28th. A great loss for the “family”, as he was used to refer to the mathematicians community, who lost a founding father of the theory of partial differential equations and a referring person for Mathematics and Science: his own life.

Riemann Prize

On the occasion of the opening of the Academic Year 2019-2020, the President of RISM will announce the inaugural recipient of the Riemann Prize.

Established in 2019, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of RISM, under the patronage of all public and private Universities of Lombardia, the support of the government of Regione​ Lombardia, the municipality of Varese and the main partners: University of Insubria, University of Milano and University of Milano-Bicocca.