Don't miss the exclusive interview with Pierre-Louis Lions, a Fields Medal-winning mathematician, conducted by Professor Cassani at Villa Toeplitz in Varese. This is a unique opportunity to hear from one of the most influential figures in modern mathematics. Watch the interview now!

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The aim of the conference
The aims of the congress is to facilitate interdisciplinary discussions at the convergence of optimal control theory and mean-field models.
This forum brings together mathematicians from different communities to explore the challenges and opportunities presented by large-scale systems.
The objective is to advance understanding of analytic and probabilistic aspects of mean-field models and multi-agent systems, fostering collaboration and pushing the boundaries of mathematical theory and applications in real-world scenarios.
Registration form
We regret to inform you that we have reached the maximum capacity for registrations.
As such, we are unable to accept any further participants at this time.
We appreciate your interest and encourage you to stay connected for future opportunities.
Mean-Field models in optimal control
10-14 June 2024
Time left
Organizing & Scientific Committee:
- Annalisa Cesaroni (Università di Padova)
- Marco Cirant (Università di Padova)
- Alessio Porretta (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
- Daniela Tonon (Università di Padova)
- Martino Bardi (Università di Padova)
- Charles Bertucci (École Polytechnique, Paris)
- Fabio Camilli (Sapienza Università, Roma)
- Pierre Cardaliaguet (Université Paris Dauphine)
- Renè Carmona (Princeton University)
- Giovanni Conforti (École Polytechnique, Paris)
- Francois Delarue (Université Côte d’Azur, Nice)
- Daria Ghilli (Università di Pavia)
- Diogo A. Gomes (KAUST Saudi Arabia)
- Fausto Gozzi (Luiss, Roma)
- Jameson Graber (Baylor University)
- Ziad Kobeissi (Université Paris-Saclay)
- Pierre-Louis Lions (Collège de France, Paris)
- Paola Mannucci (Università di Padova)
- Nader Masmoudi* (NYU Abu Dhabi)
- Alpar Meszaros (Durham University)
- Sepideh Mirrahimi (Université de Montpellier)
- Emanuela Radici (Università dell’Aquila)
- Luca Rossi (Sapienza Università, Roma)
- Giuseppe Savaré (Università Bocconi, Milano)
- Ben Seeger (University of Texas Austin)
- H. Mete Soner (Princeton University)
- Panagiotis E. Souganidis (University of Chicago)
- Ariane Trescases (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)
Time | Title | Speaker |
09:15 | Registration / Opening | - |
10:00 | On HJB equations in P or in M | P.-L. Lions |
10:45 | Coffee Break | - |
11:15 | Long-time behaviour of Keller-Segel type systems modeling local sensing | A. Trescases |
12:00 | Ergodic behaviour of deterministic Mean Field Games with non-monotone interactions | M. Bardi |
12:45 | Lunch | - |
14:30 | Hidden monotonicity and canonical transformations for Mean Field Games and master equations | A. Meszaros |
15:15 | A mean-field-game approach to overfishing | Z. Kobeissi |
16:00 | Coffee Break | - |
16:30 | A priori estimates and large population limits for some nonsymmetric Nash systems with semimonotonicity | D. Redaelli |
16:55 | From entropic propagation of chaos to exponential concentration bounds for stochastic particle systems | J. Jackson |
17:20 | End of session |
Time | Title | Speaker |
09:15 | A free boundary problem arising in mean field games | P. Cardaliaguet |
10:00 | On mean field games and mean field control in infinite dimension | F. Gozzi |
10:45 | Coffee Break | - |
11:15 | A MFG model of knowledge diffusion: convergence to a balanced growth path | L. Rossi |
12:00 | Filling the gap between Hamilton-Jacobi equations and stochastic individual based models | S. Mirrahimi |
12:45 | Lunch | - |
14:30 | On quasi-stationary Mean Field Games of Controls | F. Camilli |
15:15 | Cluster Formation in Iterated Mean Field Games | E. Matter |
15:40 | Stable Optimal Parameters of Mean-Field Neural ODEs | S. Daudin |
16:00 | Coffee Break | - |
16:30 | Some results on boundary value problems for Choquard equations | C. Bernardini |
16:55 | A single player and a mass of agents: a pursuit evasion-like game | L. Marzufero |
17:20 | End of session |
Time | Title | Speaker |
09:15 | Dissipative evolutions of probability measures | G. Savaré |
10:00 | Deterministic many particle limits for degenerate second order traffic models | E. Radici |
10:45 | Coffee Break | - |
11:15 | Remarks on Potential Mean Field Games | J. Graber |
12:00 | Optimal control of conditional processes: old and new | R. Carmona |
12:45 | End of session | - |
In the evening: SOCIAL DINNER
Time | Title | Speaker |
09:15 | Synchronization games | H.M. Soner |
10:00 | Deterministic Mean Field Games with non coercive Hamiltonian. | P. Mannucci |
10:45 | Coffee Break | - |
11:15 | Weak-strong uniqueness for mean-field games | D. Gomes |
12:00 | Some well-posedness results for HJB equations on the space of probability measures | B. Seeger |
12:45 | Lunch | - |
14:30 | Parabolic first-order Mean Field Games with Neumann boundary conditions | M. Ricciardi |
14:55 | On the turnpike property in mean field games | K. Eichinger |
15:20 | Introduction to first order MFG under state constraints | R. Capuani |
15:45 | Sharp convergence rates for mean field control in the region of strong regularity | N.Mimikos-Stamatopoulos |
16:00 | Coffee break | - |
16:15 | End of session |
Time | Title | Speaker |
09:15 | Miscellaneous on Hamilton Jacobi equations on the space of probability measures | C. Bertucci |
10:00 | Linear quadratic Mean Field Games in Hilbert spaces and some applications | D. Ghilli |
10:45 | Coffee Break | - |
11:15 | Regularity and quantitative stability for the Gibbs conditioning principle on path space via McKean-Vlasov control | G. Conforti |
12:00 | Major/minor MFG: common noise helps | F. Delarue |
12:45 | End of the talks | - |