Varese, July 21-23, 2021
Villa Toeplitz - Via G.B. Vico 46 - Varese
Varese, July 21-23, 2021
Villa Toeplitz - Via G.B. Vico 46 - Varese
Varese, June 18, 2021
Villa Toeplitz - Via G.B. Vico 46 - Varese
Varese, 23-24 Novembre 2020
Villa Toeplitz - Via G.B. Vico 46 - Varese
Varese, November 16th - 20th, 2020
By Italo Capuzzo Dolcetta
"Villa Toeplitz" - Via G.B. Vico 46 - Varese
Varese, 28-29 novembre 2019
"Collegio C. Cattaneo" - Via Jean Henry Dunant, 7
Convegno internazionale
29 July- 02 August 2019
"Collegio C. Cattaneo" - Via Jean Henry Dunant, 7
This is the eleventh edition of a series of meetings which started in Brazil in 1996
Since then, the meeting has been held about every two years
Scientific Committee: Djairo de Figueiredo, Daniele Cassani, João Marco do Ó, Carlo Pagani, Franco Tomarelli, Carlos Tomei
Organizing Committee: Bernhard Ruf, Marta Calanchi, Daniela Lupo, Federica Sani
22-24 July 2019 - Villa Toeplitz - Varese
In the context of the prestigious Riemann International School of Mathematics, aims at focusing on the state of the art in the mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of the cardiac function and its clinical applications.
Organized by RISM and MOX - Politecnico di Milano
Partially supported by the EU ERC-ADG - Advanced Grant iHEART
Supported by Politecnico Milano. Mox, Insubria, ErcDue
February 11-15th, 2019 - Varese
By Vieri Benci
Supported by the following PhD programs: Computer Science and Computational Mathematics (University of Insubria), Mathematical Sciences (University of Milano), Mathematics (University of Milano-Bicocca), Mathematics and Statistics (University of Pavia), Mathematics (University of Pisa), Mathematical Models and Methods in Engineering (Politecnico of Milano), Mathematics (University of Roma - La Sapienza), Pure and Applied Mathematics - Turin, Doctoral School of Mathematics (University of Torino and Politecnico of Torino)
February 7-8th, 2019 Villa Toeplitz, Varese
Organization: Daniele Cassani, Hugo Tavares and Jianjun Zhang
Varese, July 23-27, 2018
in honour of Giuseppe Da Prato
opening on Monday 23rd, at Aula Magna in via Dunant, 3
24-27 at Aula Magna Collegio C. Cattaneo, via Dunant 7
December 13-14th, 2018
Villa Toeplitz, Varese
July 16-20, 2018
Registration: by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
a few fellowships for PhD students, postdocs and young researchers will be awarded by RISM, upon registration and by sending an e-mail with CV for application at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
March 6-7th, 2017 Villa Toeplitz, Varese
Organization: Daniele Cassani, Marco Donatelli and Franco Tomarelli
Supported by Politecnico Milano, Insubria
June 19-23, 2017 - Villa Toeplitz - Varese
Supported by the following PhD programs: Computer Science and Computational Mathematics (University of Insubria), Mathematical Sciences (University of Milano), Mathematics (University of Milano-Bicocca), Mathematics and Statistics (University of Pavia), Mathematics (University of Pisa), Mathematical Models and Methods in Engineering (Politecnico of Milano), Mathematics (University of Roma - La Sapienza)
July 6-7th, 2017 Villa Toeplitz, Varese
Organisation: Daniele Cassani, Carlo Domenico Pagani, Bernhard Ruf
Supported by Politecnico Milano, Insubria, Università degli studi di Milano
Varese, July 31-August 4, 2017
Affiliated with Simons Foundation
Collaboration on "Homological Mirror Symmetry"
Director: Ron Donagi
Varese, villa Toeplitz, 2nd-5th May, 2016
Keynote lecture by Alain Connes
Organizing and Scientific Committee: Daniele Cassani (Univ. Insubria), Fabio Cipriani (Politecnico di Milano), Daniele Guido (Univ. Roma Tor Vergata), Giovanni Landi (Univ. Trieste), Stephane Vassout (Univ. Diderot Paris 7), Jean-Luc Sauvageot (Univ. Diderot Paris 7).
Supporter: Riemann International School of Mathematics, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica, Laboratorio Ypatia, Scienze Matematiche, Autolinee Varesine
September 5-9, 2016 at RISM - Villa Toeplitz - Varese
Description: Integrability, Recursion, Geometry And Mechanics Celebrating Franco Magri's 70th birthday
Scientific Committee: F. Calogero, V. Kac, S.P. Novikov and V.E. Zakharov.
Organization: D. Cassani, B. Konopelchenko, P. Lorenzoni, M. Pedroni.
Supported by IISS Insubria, Universita di Bergamo, EINSTEIN Consortium, Milano Bicocca
October 28th, 2016 Villa Toeplitz, Varese
Organization: Daniele Cassani and Bernhard Ruf.
Varese, September 14-18, 2015
A tribute to John Forbes Nash
Jr.Director: Ivar Ekeland
Supporter: IISS Seminario matematico e fisico Insubria, Università degli studi di Milano Milano Bicocca, Fineco Politecnico Milano, Gieffe color ,Autolinee Varesine, Indam, Comune di Varese, Provincia di Varese